
Monday 16 May 2011

Now, where is that again?

One sunny Saturday, I told my missus," Why don't we go to the High Street and do a bit of shopping. I also wanted to visit the gym and have a look at the place." Whenever I can, before I go to a new place, I always try to do recons at least a day before - checking out the address, parking provisions, or if I'm using public transport - bus or train stops. I've learned that it eases anxiety for me on the day itself, as I have got these things covered and only worry about the class itself.

The school is called the Croydon Martial Arts Academy and it's just off the High Street. I am quite familiar with the High Street and thought it wouldn't be too hard to find. I had a notion that being an academy, it would be a big building with a grand entrance and easy to spot. That wasn't entirely true.

It was easy enough to find the building, alright - the trouble was finding the entrance. Following the address, it brought us to the back of the building, sort of like a loading bay, with trucks parked beside the building. I thought,"This couldn't be right."We need to get to the front of the building." I checked the address again, and got my trusty iPhone map. Another walk around the block led us back to where we started from. I then started ringing the academy but no one was picking up. I got on the 'net and managed to get to the Academy's website but no luck. I wasn't closer to finding how to get in that darn building. My wife wants to go back to her shopping and I am getting frustrated, as well. I thought, "Well, why don't you go to the mall and out of this heat and I can just continue ringing the place up and looking for the magic entrance?" That appealed to her and I was left to use my non-existent Boy Scout skills in finding where this academy is.

After 30 minutes of ringing the number and walking around, someone picks it up. Finally. I spoke to the guy and asked directions on how to get there. He then said, "Are you the one standing outside? I can see you from here." "Good. How do I get in, then?", I said. " "There is a black door on your right, then it's up the stairs.", he said.

I looked on the right and there it is - a nondescript black door, unmarked and obscured by a parked delivery truck. So much for grand entrances.

At least there's free parking.