
Friday 28 October 2011


Woke up this morning and felt like a 100 year-old man – muscles and joints aching and a sore body reminds me that I finally went back on training and I wasn’t wishful thinking again.
A surge of excitement came over me as I drove to the gym and as soon as I opened the door to the gym, I was greeted by the familiar environment and even more familiar and friendly faces I have come to know – Dante, Elliott, Gerry, Little Steve, and soon after, Keith and Guy.
I can’t help but savour the moment as I’m getting myself kitted out – rashie, knee braces, gi, and belt. It feels like slipping into your favourite robe but also, it’s like preparing yourself for battle, knowing that at the end of the class, you are going to be sore, maybe a bit bruised and bloodied. Still, you wilfully step onto the mats to join those who had the same thoughts as you. Together, you learn, share, pit each other’s skills against each other, and say, “Well done, brother!” afterwards.

I’m at home here. Feels good to be back.

The mystical bond of brotherhood makes all men brothers - Thomas Carlyle